
I know the topic was to choose one page but I had to choose a full spread over two pages.

On pages 50 and 51, there is a great action scene involving 1 and 2, and what they are actually capable of. The use of smaller panels within the larger panel really helps to better show off the action in all of its visceral detail.

A lot of focus of the smaller panels seems to deal with the eyes. I count 11 of the panels focusing on the eye or damage to the eye. As we’ve discussed in class many times before about the eye being a window to humanity, in these panels, I feel it shows a loss of humanity (mainly because everyone, save the animals, is dead at the end of the scene).

The cat’s eye on page 50 changing from normal to skinny and angry is a great transition point from what the dog has just done. First, we see that One has just wrecked a whole Hummer full of soldiers and then we see Two just hanging out on a branch and then in a flash it’s in attack mode and wrecking the ground soldiers.

Also I found the juxtaposition of the human and rabbit foot a little funny.

I’m still trying to figure out how the use of teeth and mouths fits into all of this or if it just there for visceral detail.

Anxiety in The comet

In the story, “The Comet” I felt a great sense of anxiety as I read this. How awful it must be to witness the end of the world. The great loneliness that Jim felt before finding Julia.

In the beginning of the story, I couldn’t help but think of Danielewski’s House of Leaves. The description that DuBois used when Jim, the messenger was in the vault, or sub basement, or records room he was room gave me the same feeling of loneliness and anxiety. Although Danielewski had a great many more pages to make me this way, DuBois did a fine job of describing the darkness without being overly wordy.

I really enjoyed the breaking of social barriers. Although it took the end of New York for two people, well one really, to realize that a man is a man regardless of skin color, race, creed, or religion. And when Julia’s father arrives, although she is sympathetic to Jim, you can’t help but feel that no matter the outcome, the social barriers that were broken were immediately repaired the minute her father called him “nigger.” Also, the man calling for Jim’s lynching certainly didn’t help.


Frankenstein, Vol. I

I feel the biggest difference in the first volume of the 1818 version of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and most other versions, be it film or other media, is the creation of the monster itself. The details in the original text are very ambiguous. Frankenstein takes body parts from the charnel houses. Also he takes pieces from the slaughterhouses, so the creature is not all human.

In popular media, we are led to believe that Frankenstein spent his time gathering the parts with the help of a humpbacked assistant. Also that he used the a lightning to give his creature life. (“It’s alive. IT’S ALIVE!)

I feel the reason for this difference is to keep audiences hooked. It seems very boring to hear that Victor completed his monster without all the gorier details. Also the audience is taken away from the monster to quickly after it is created in the book. In the movie, we are fascinated with the Frankenstein’s creation and what it can actually do.

I like the way the book leaves almost everything to the imagination when it comes to the creation of the monster. Although we are given some details of the monster’s appearance, the reader is given free reign to visualize how the monster was put together.


And this is just because.